Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Moody Broody

Chrissy has been busy tending her nest, but occasionally she hops out of the igloo for a quick bite and to mess up the water bowl. I caught her during her broody break earlier today. I asked Chrissy if the eggs were ready to hatch yet.

I think this means "NO! Now GO AWAY!" in duck.

"Aren't you gone yet?"

Monday, April 5, 2010

We have a broody!

Chrissy has decided she wants to be a mom. She has about 8 eggs and has made a nest in the duck's sleeping igloo. Indian Runners generally are not known for their brooding skills so we aren't sure how this is going to work out. It does, however, look like she is serious about hatching out some ducklings. We gave her the entire night pen and the other ducks are now in their run. With this arrangement, the other girls can't sneak in newly laid eggs resulting in a staggered hatch. We will post updates.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Quail Test Hatch

Just heard from Amber B. Here are the results of the quail test hatch...

"Hey Linda,
I just wanted to let you know that we got 7 of 10 eggs to hatch! So, your little man is doing his job."

Thanks Amber!

Once we figure out where the quail are hiding their eggs in the new outdoor pen, we will be able to offer Quail hatching eggs. Those eggs really blend in with the straw. It's like an Easter egg hunt every day around here!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Spring weather means play time

When we are working in the back yard, we let the ducks out of their pen for play time. We used to let the roam the back yard at will, but due to a hawk attack last fall, they need supervised outings. This makes sure they don't become dinner for the local suburban wildlife.

Here are our fluffy-butts enjoying their day out.




Wendy preening

Chrissy, Tweak & Shelley in the pond


Thanks to their playing in the yard, not only did I get free fertilization and aeration service, the bug population has been seriously reduced and all the dandelions have been eaten before they could get established. Ducks sure are handy!